2021 Routing Reports
SpeedTrader, Inc. has prepared these reports pursuant to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation NMS Rule 606(b)(1) requiring all brokerage firms to make publicly available reports on their order-routing practices. The report provides information on the routing of “non-directed orders” (any order that the customer has not specifically instructed to be routed to a particular venue for execution). SpeedTrader currently has clearing relationships with Axos Clearing and Apex Pro Clearing. SpeedTrader creates a Quarterly Order Routing 606 report for each clearing firm. The firm posts quarterly order routing execution reports on this page. To request a hard copy of these reports, write to: SpeedTrader, Inc., 2875 Route 35, Suite 5C-2, Katonah, NY 10536 or via email to [email protected].
Payment for Order Flow
SpeedTrader receives payment for directing order flow to certain exchanges and brokers-dealers. Each quarterly order routing report contains a discussion of the material aspects of SpeedTrader’s relationship with each venue to which the largest number of total non-directed orders were routing for execution.
Price improvement is available under certain market conditions.
Order Detail Information
Upon written request of a customer, SpeedTrader will provide, free of charge, the identity of each venue to which the customer’s orders were routed for execution in the six months prior to the request, whether the customer’s orders were directed orders or non-directed orders, and the time of the transactions, if any that resulted from those orders. To receive this information, customers should send the request to SpeedTrader, Inc., 2875 Route 35, Suite 5C-2, Katonah, NY 10536 or via email to [email protected].