Jun 7, 2019 | Stock Market, Trading Strategy
Pair Trading Pair trading is a strategy for hedging risk by opening opposing positions in two related stocks, commodities, or other derivatives. This can be a way to profit no matter what conditions the market is in since profit is determined not by the overall...
Apr 9, 2019 | Stock Market, Technical Indicators, Trading Tips
Broad economic factors routinely have a jolting influence on the stock market, forcing traders to react both quickly and over time to adjust to new market conditions. Understanding the types of economic factors that affect the market and how they influence it can go a...
Apr 2, 2019 | Day Trading, Stock Market, Trading Strategy
Stock trading and foreign exchange, or “forex” trading, are similar in that they depend on taking advantage of constantly changing prices – but that’s where the similarities largely end. Understanding the differences between forex and stock trading can help you to...
Mar 26, 2019 | Stock Market, Trading Tips
Pump and dump schemes are illegal, yet prevalent in today’s digital trading world where anyone can quickly and easily put money into “hot” investments. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of how a pump and dump scheme works, how to spot them, and how to profit...
Mar 19, 2019 | Day Trading, Stock Market, Trading Tips
What is Insider Buying and Selling? Insider buying and selling occurs whenever someone who is considered to be an insider of a company – an executive, manager, beneficiary who owns more than 10% of the company’s stock, or employee with knowledge of important company...
Mar 12, 2019 | Stock Market
Many investors don’t look deeply into a company’s share structure before buying stock, but this fundamental organization of shares can affect everything from the price of a share to how prices move with buying and selling action. As a result, intelligent and savvy...