Options Trading

Competitive Options Commissions.
Powerful Options Trading Tools.
Commission/Ticket Fee Per Contract Fee
$0.00* 40 Cents $2 order min.
$4.95-$6.95** 50-75 Cents**
$6.95 75 Cents
Commission Fee
Contract Fee
40 Cents $2 order min.
50-75 Cents**
75 Cents

Backed by our Powerful Trading Platforms.

SpeedTrader offers powerful trading platforms designed specifically for active traders.

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Start your application and fund an account today!

* 1.99 MINIMUM PER TRADE ** 30 TRADES OR MORE NEEDED PER QTR OTHERWISE $6.95 AND 75 CENTS A CONTRACT SOURCE: https://www.tdameritrade.com/pricing.page https://us.etrade.com/what-we-offer/pricing-and-rates#complexOptions Prices Last Updated June 19, 2018.