Jun 7, 2019 | Stock Market, Trading Strategy
Pair Trading Pair trading is a strategy for hedging risk by opening opposing positions in two related stocks, commodities, or other derivatives. This can be a way to profit no matter what conditions the market is in since profit is determined not by the overall...
May 13, 2019 | Day Trading, Technical Indicators, Trading Strategy
Dividends add value to a stock by offering investors a cash or stock payout simply for holding shares. Dividends are especially popular among long-term value investors since they provide a relatively stable income source, but they can also increase the value of stocks...
Apr 2, 2019 | Day Trading, Stock Market, Trading Strategy
Stock trading and foreign exchange, or “forex” trading, are similar in that they depend on taking advantage of constantly changing prices – but that’s where the similarities largely end. Understanding the differences between forex and stock trading can help you to...
Jan 9, 2019 | Day Trading, Stock Market, Trading Strategy
What is a Small Cap Stock? Small cap stocks belong to companies with small to moderate total market values. Small cap stocks have the potential to grow into large companies, and many investors consider them a great value because of their price and growth potential. At...
Jan 2, 2019 | Day Trading, Stock Market, Trading Strategy
Chasing high-performing stocks, buying high and aiming to sell higher, is known as momentum trading. Momentum stocks are those with long-term uptrends, typically over a period of three to 12 months, with consistently high rates of return over the same period. Momentum...
Aug 11, 2018 | Chart Patterns, Swing Trading, Technical Analysis, Trading Strategy
Back in the 1930’s, accountant Ralph Nelson Elliot discovered something about the stock market – it responds in a repeating pattern to large-scale optimism and pessimism by investors. Elliot spent the following decade building out his theory, describing how the...