35 Day Trading Terms You Should be Aware of

35 Day Trading Terms You Should be Aware of

Like any technical industry, the world of day trading is full of jargon. While this jargon seems completely normal to experienced traders, it can leave new traders confused. Understanding terminology shouldn’t be the difficult part of trading, so make sure you are...
Key Lessons in Risk Management

Key Lessons in Risk Management

As day traders, we are always focused on finding profitable trading opportunities. After all, the point of day trading is to make money. While profitability is clearly the ultimate goal of all trading activities, it’s also important to focus on risk management....
The Pros and Cons of Paper Trading

The Pros and Cons of Paper Trading

When new traders discover day trading, they are often anxious to get their feet wet. The markets are full of opportunities that can be exciting for all traders. That being said, the markets also require a lot of education, discipline and practice. Many new traders...
5 Trading Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

5 Trading Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Learning to become a successful day trader takes a good amount of trial and error and no one should expect to become a market master over night. Making mistakes is simply a part of the game; consider it your tuition for the market. Certain mistakes can be used as...
10 Ways to Determine Why a Stock is Moving

10 Ways to Determine Why a Stock is Moving

Regardless of your trading style, it can be helpful to understand why a stock is moving in a certain way. Even if you are a technical trader who is solely focused on charts, knowing the reason why a stock is breaking out can provide some insight into how the move...